With Online Banking from Anchor Bank, you can take control of your finances after enrolling. Anchor Bank offers free and secure real-time access to your finances whenever it is appropriate for you. It makes it ease to transfer funds, check account balances and even pay bills in a few clicks. Take note of this guide to know how Anchor Bank customers login, reset forgotten password and enroll for online banking.
For Anchor Bank Online Banking customer to access his or her online banking account, he or she should consider these login steps:
Step 1- Access Anchor Bank website through this link http://www.anchorbank.com/
Step 2- In the homepage, click the shown Sign On link in the Personal Online Banking section
Step 3- Please enter your Access ID and Passcode in the highlighted fields, then click Login
The bank will grant you access to your account if the login credentials are correct.
If remembering your passcode is an uphill battle, please consider the following steps to reset it, online:
Step 1- Follow the first two steps in the login section above
Step 2- Please click on the shown forgot passcode? link below the passcode field
Step 3- Fill in your Access ID, Social Security Number and Account Number in the shown fields, then click Submit
The bank will prompt you to reset your passcode after validating the information you provide.
Anchor Bank customer can enroll for online banking if he or she wishes to do so. Below are the enrollment steps:
Step 1- In the homepage, click the shown Enroll link in the Personal Online Banking section
Step 2- Please review the Internet Banking and Bill Payment Agreement, then tick the shown checkbox, then click I Agree
Step 3- Please fill in the requested information in the Online Internet Banking Enrollment Form, then click Continue at the bottom
The bank will activate your account after validating your information.
Anchor Bank allows you enjoy the following online banking services:
- See account information 24/7
- Make transfers between accounts
- Make regular loan payment
- Access your account statements