Castle Rock Bank online services has advanced security measures. The online banking platform provides convenient 24/7 access to your Castle Rock Bank accounts. The service allows Online Banking customers to perform a number of transactions such as check account balances, transfer funds, research transactions, and download records to Quicken and Quickbooks. with the bank’s convenient online bill payment function, you can schedule bill payments for a maximum of a year in advance and schedule continuous payments. Also, you can access your statements in electronic format. Please consider this guide if you want to login or enroll for the convenient service.
Only Castle Rock Bank Online Banking customers can enjoy this convenience service. For you to enjoy the service, please provide your valid Online Banking ID and Password. Below are the login steps:
Step 1- Go to to access Castle Rock Bank website
Step 2- In the homepage, click Secure Login button in the Online Banking section
Step 3- Please enter your Online Banking ID, then click Submit
Step 4- Please enter your Online Banking Password, then click Submit
The bank will validate your credentials before granting you access to the online banking platform
It’s possible to reset forgotten password if a Castle Rock Bank Online Banking Customer can’t remember his/her online banking password. please follow these steps to reset forgotten password:
Step 1- Follow the first three steps in the login section above
Step 2- Click Forgot your password? link to initiate self-password reset process
Step 3- Please enter your Online Banking ID, registered E-mail Address and E-mail Subject, then click Continue
The bank after establishing your identity, the bank will send you and email with instructions on how to reset your forgotten password
Sign up to enjoy the convenience of online banking. The bank doesn’t provide a way of enrolling for the service, online. So feel free to contact the bank’s customer service representative at 303-688-5191 to inquire the Online Banking sign-up procedures.
Castle Rock Bank Online Banking enable clients to:
- See account balances
- Transfer funds
- Look up transactions
- Download transaction records to Quicken and Quickbooks
- Access statements electronically