Your Indigo Platinum MasterCard Online access will be activated once you register for the service. However, you must be a card holder to take this step. It helps you know how to login, to get your password and username if lost and enroll for the online access
How to login
As a user, you have control of your account by just logging in. You can manage your MasterCard remotely regales of whether you have it with you or not. Once you are enrolled for the online access, your card details are processed which gives you the power to manage it online. To log in, use the steps below:
Step 1: Click here
Step 2: Tap the Login button.

Step 3: Enter your username and password and then tap the login button

How to get your lost password or username
Once you have realized that you cannot log in due to problems that relate to your password and username details, then you can proceed to take action. It is helpful that you know where to go from here. Instead of calling customer support, you can do it yourself and regain the control of your account once you reset the password and retrieve the username the process entails:
Step 1: Click the forgot your username or password phrase.

Step 2: To reset your password, enter your username and card details as required and then submit.

Step 3: To get your username, enter your email and card information as shown below and submit.

How to enroll
After you have decided to be a customer, you will have the card with you. To access it online, you will need to register for the online access. It is simple as the card provider already has your details processed. The only thing you will need to do is verify it and then give a go ahead that you need the online service by creating a login account. The steps include:
Step 1: Tap the register section.

Step 2: Enter your details and then click the register now button.

How to manage your account online
Things get easier when you are at this position. You can now enjoy the benefit of managing your card online. It is the ideal platform on which you can log in and do almost everything you used to do with your credit. In this case, you can pay for items or shop online without having to move from your house. All you need is the account details and you are good to go.