Checking your finances should not have to be so complicated. Military Star knows that, which is why their online services are made to suit their clients needs. Checking credit card activity, balance or creating alerts has never been this easy. To learn how to create an online account, log in or renew a forgotten password, this guide has got you covered.
Step 1- Open up your preferred browser and enter (or click this link).
Step 2- In the Log In section to the left, enter your User ID and password and click Log In.
If your login credentials are correct, you will directed to the dashboard of your Military Star online account.
It’s hard to keep track of passwords. If you have forgotten yours, here is how you can renew it:
Step 1- In the same Log In box, click link Forgot Password?
Step 2- To verify your identity, enter your User ID, the last four digits of your SSN, and your date of birth. Enter code provided and click Validate.
If your information was entered correctly, you will be allowed to renew password to your liking.
For all Military Star card members, registering for an online account is easy:
Step 1- In the Log In box, click the link Register here.
Step 2- Enter your full name, social security number and date of birth. Enter the code provided by website and click Next.
If your information matches their records, you will continue completing the next three steps of registration, including selecting your credentials, security questions and receiving confirmation of your new account creation.