With your Kohl’s credit card online account, you can manage the activities of your credit account from anywhere so long as you have internet connection. The good thing about these internet services is that they are completely free and customers can register anytime they want provided they have the Kohl’s credit card. In this post, we will be walking you through steps that will help you login into your online account, reset your password and enroll.
How to login
This is basically the simplest part of the online services offered by the credit card company. All you need here is your login details (username and password). Follow these steps to login:
Step 1-Open https://credit.kohls.com/ in your web browser
Step 2– Enter your username and password and click “submit”

If you have used the correct logins, you will be granted direct access to your account online
How to reset your password
Lost your password? Don’t worry! It’s something that people do unintentionally especially when you have many passwords to remember. To reset your Kohl’s credit card online account password, follow these steps:
Step 1-On the homepage, click “forgot password” as shown in the image

Step 2-Enter your username and the last four digits of your SSN and click “next”

The username part is case sensitive. You will be required to complete another step or two
How to enroll
You can register a free online account with Kohl’s credit card to have access to your own online account anytime. Of course you will need a few details about your credit card as this will help to identify that you are indeed a card holder. Here are the steps to follow to register:
Step 1-Go to the homepage of the credit card company and enter your credit card number and click “submit”

Step 2-You will need to complete a few more steps
Manage your Kohl’s credit card account online
When you register an online account with Kohl’s credit card, you will be able to do the following:
- Pay your bills on time
- Request an increase in your credit line
- Paperless statements
Access your transaction and account details on the internet and mobile phone