Walmart Credit Card

Walmart’s website is not only the place where you go check the latest discounts and coupons. Now card members can also login to check their balance, any activity and rewards they might be accumulating. To enroll, log in or renew your password, follow the steps in this guide


Step 1– Open your preferred web browser and enter or click on this link.

Step 2– At the top right, hover your mouse over the Sign In link and see additional options.Step 3- Enter your e-mail address and password. Click Sign In.

You will be able to access your online account if your credentials were entered correctly.


If you forgot your credentials, no worries! You can renew your password in the same Sign In page:

Step 1- In the same Sign page, select the link that reads Forgot Password?

Step 2- Enter the email address to receive a verification code in your Inbox.

Once you receive verification code, enter the code in the Walmart page. If the code is correct, you will have access to renew your password.


To create your account, start as you would to Sign In the way described in steps above:

Step 1- On the main page, where you would click to Sign In, click the link Create An Account.

Step 2- Enter your First and Last Name, E-mail address and selected password. Click Create Account.